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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’ve heard the media repeatedly stating that Michele is “Dangerous” and “Violent” because of Social Media posts she made (years ago). What is the story here? 


A: I can understand anyone having questions about this, particularly when, as expected, the Left-Wing mainstream media does not want citizens to focus on the policy issue differences between the candidates, and would rather make denigrating personal attacks against anyone advocating for the major reforms our K-12 education system needs. That’s why I’ve been targeted by these bullies.


They rummaged through my prior private life, and attacked casual exchanges I made many years ago. Though regarding serious matters, the comments were facetious  — for example about whether our country’s leaders should be held accountable for policies that are purposefully against the interests of American citizens. 


I stated that anyone who violates the law should be held accountable - particularly if the violation legally qualifies as treason. My exchanges communicated that if true, then they should be subjected to the full legal consequences of treason according to US law.


Contrary to how this is portrayed by partisan media outlets, my belief that acts of treason by our top representatives should be firmly dealt with by US law, does not make me a Right-Wing radical, but rather a law-abiding American citizen.


Q: What about CNN, USA Today, MSNBC saying that you called for a “Military Coup”? 


A: Another example of statements made without sufficient context - taken from 4-year-old Social Media posts I made as a concerned private citizen. 

I did not advocate for a Military Coup at all. What I did was stand up for the Rule of Law, as I understand it. 


On January 6th, 2020 there were at least 7 states that had raised serious concerns that voter fraud had been committed. In this situation the proper constitutional procedure would be to pause certification until the states had performed a thorough investigation and then certification could proceed - similar to the investigation into Florida’s Bush/Gore election results in 2000.


That is what I was calling for - Rule of Law - and the constitutional and legal process of how to handle what transpired.


Note: It’s important to clarify that not a single one of the sources who reported or supposedly quoted me about things from years ago, had the professional courtesy to contact me: 1) to verify the accuracy of what they had been told, or 2) to get any explanation that would assure that such remarks were provided in proper context.


It’s also disappointing that my opponent has parroted these personal attacks without reaching out to me for verification or clarification. 


Fortunately, this election is not about who has the support of mainstream media, rather it is about our students and parents.


When I decided to run for the NC Superintendent of Education, I did so because I knew that the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) was overdue for an infusion of creative ideas that would improve on the job they were doing teaching our children.


After home-schooling five (5) kids, as well as working with some knowledgeable critical thinkers, I not only have those ideas but also an unwavering commitment to implement them. Please see my Platform for more specifics.


My campaign will minimize negativity regarding my opponent. Instead I will focus on the issues that are vital to the success of our Public Schools. We clearly have a broken system. I intend to fix it, whereas my opponent will likely defend the status quo, as he is a longtime part of the education establishment.


Q: I’ve heard that you want to “Destroy The Public Schools.” That you are actually out to close them down. What is this all about?


A: I have no idea where this idea came from. Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole reason I put my life on hold and subjected myself to dirty politics and name calling is that I feel called to Fight For Our Public Schools. 


NC’s Public School system is the backbone of our education system - it is a vital, irreplaceable part of our state. More than 1.4 million students attend our public schools every year. Unfortunately, the “system” is corrupted and failing. 


Unfortunately, many of those involved in running our schools are more concerned with their politics, their endorsers, agendas and donors than they are with what’s best for our children and Our Great State.


Fortunately, the choice is very clear. If you want more of the same - stick with the system that’s created an epidemic of mental health issues, drug abuse, violence and graduates that can’t achieve their fullest potential - vote for my opponent.


If you want an outsider who is as sick of the system as you are, then vote for me - Michele Morrow. 


I hope this will help stop these purposeful distractions, as the only question to voters is: which candidate for the Superintendent of Education has the best policies for students, teachers, parents, and the State of North Carolina?


Committee to Elect Michele Morrow
P.O. Box 1761
Cary, NC 27512
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